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last post Jul 25, 2020 16:20:55 GMT -5Kei Sincℓair ▪ GENERAL SPECIES ▸
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last post Jul 26, 2020 3:04:09 GMT -5Kei Sincℓair ▪ YOKAI CLAIM LIST ▸
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last post Feb 25, 2021 2:13:53 GMT -5Sunrise Sunrise Amber ▸
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last post Oct 8, 2021 19:20:38 GMT -5Akira de'Enguarde Akiko Sanui ▸
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A c a d e m y G r o u n d s

A vast section of the academy that stretches across the entire front of the academy, leaving the view of lush green grass, that surrounds most of the marble sidewalks, with a large fountain in the middle. Large trees surround the area, with the entrance to the Academy located in the middle part of the building behind the fountain. The campus looks it's best in Fall and Winter and are usually surrounded by the bustling students and faculty.
last post Dec 11, 2020 21:47:31 GMT -5Kanako Sincℓair ☆ The Shadow Remains Cast [MISAKI] ▸
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This luxurious hall is captivating. With a waiting room and many of the academies offices, long columns hold up the school, repeating itself all the way down the hall with white marble floors that sparkle when the sun hits. The ceiling is very high, often dizzying new students that enroll.There's also the Grand Hall and the Arena that this hall is connected to.

The first floor is mainly the floor of the classrooms and the grand library. In between, there's large spacious areas with expensive rugs, coupled with antique podiums, chairs, and mirrors that swallow the hall whole.

The second floor is connected to the cafeteria and the student council area, with the recreational area to the end of the hall, coupled with more lockers for the students lining up on the side of the hall.

After going up a few set of stairs, or taking the elevator, students will find themselves where the wings section off into different areas of the academy. This floor could be classified as the floor of many lounging areas, bathrooms, or a floor to sight see, since this would be where most students will walk around with their pajamas, considering the dorm wing is on the east end of the floor. The Music Wing is to the opposite side, and the rooftop can be reached from here as well, so most students and teachers tend to hang around here during late hours, especially inside the Music Wing.

C i t y G r o u n d s

The north side of the city is a busy part of the realm, being occupied by a lots of popular shops and food stands, clothing stores, and restaurants. It could be classified as the shopping district of the city, that can go on for miles, which taxi services are available. But don't get lost; sometimes it might not be safe to walk alone.
last post Jan 6, 2021 0:28:00 GMT -5Kurai Sincℓair ☆ ART IS THE LOUDEST FORM OF SILENCE [seiren] ▸
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The southern part of the city is where the civilians live, if they choose to live in the city part of the realm. Close proximity apartment buildings are located here, and a few corner stores. At the far part of this side of the city is the strip.
last post Mar 11, 2021 16:55:28 GMT -5Maki Seijun ☆ CAN'T TAME A STREET RAT [Kyoken] ▸
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The alleyways of Shunojiski are like many cities in the world: dirty, slummy, with garbage pails and dumps, and packed with plenty of reasons never to walk alone in the dark between them.

The cultists reside here in this old, run down church that has been closed off to the public many years ago. Its dilapidated look from the outside screams unwelcoming matters into those that stumble upon the boundaries, causing mass hysteria for those that have weak minds. Inside the church, however, is littered with cultists that worship the Goddess Freya. Stained glass and pews are still semi-intact, but the darkness swells within the inside so much that a majority of the inside of the church has been destroyed.

Residing apartments near or inside the city. This is perfect for people that like the city life, being in walking distances to shops and other places of interest. It's pretty busy around these parts, and it's not exactly a particular quiet area unless you're living closer to the south side.

If you have purchased a home for your character, you may post here.

O u t s k i r t s

A crystalline lake that's a little away from the academy's campus. It's perfect for fishing and boating, and rumors say to throw a coin into the lake and pray, for good luck and fortune. The lake is surrounded by lush green grass and the woods.

A typical park that contains a huge field, perfect for sports and walking dogs, that usually is used for events in the spring. Contains a playground and a swing set. Often will find some musicians playing their instruments here. It's a great place for exercising and conversing in peace.

A beach with white sand and a fairly even bank that stretches far off the coast of Shunojiski. It's always clean, with crystal clear water, and usually contains beach events during the summertime.
last post Dec 17, 2020 13:17:29 GMT -5ECHO TEGATO ☆ YOU'RE MY ONLY LIGHT [Miharu~] ▸

The amusement park fairly large, with lots of things to do. Roller coasters, arcades, thrilling rides, and places to eat. During Halloween, the amusement park turns into a haunted playground for families and friends to participate in. Perfect for a date.

Beautiful mountains that stretch far and wide, almost taking onto over 3,000ft high up in the air, with more than fifty miles of trails and terrains. Although not the tallest mountain available in Shunojiski, it's the only mountain that obtains the approval for holding a Ski Resort. The resort itself is open during the winter time, however during the seasons where there's no snow, hiking and climbing is also available. Be aware, though, of any sort of strange occurrences that can happen during nighttime, if you're alone in the dark.

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last post Jul 25, 2024 23:48:01 GMT -5Caramell ZapdosZulu: A HG/SS Pokemon Roleplay (17+ Years and Going) ▸
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